beating my obesity – new year progress

09I made mention at the start of the new year that I was going to be making some changes to my daily routine. Or, at the very least, I was going to be more consistent and return to a few things that I had started months ago.

I am happy to say that I am still holding to my word. I have been using MyFitnessPal consistently. Monday – Friday I make sure to get out for a very long morning walk with my dog which is usually around 5k. Four times a week, I am using my wii and doing a workout plan.

I am pleased to say that I have seen some progress as well. Since January 6th, I have lost 3 lbs. I’m hoping this slow and steady progress continues. Of course, I remember that the last time I made some changes, I lost a bit of weight the first few weeks, but then stopped losing weight altogether. I’m curious to see how this second attempt turns out. I remain optimistic.

© Semi-Charmed Life

abandoned spaces

IMG_6637I’m very fortunate to have some beautiful places to walk through every morning. I have two different forests I can choose from. I had been walking through a particular forest for several days before noticing something off the beaten path. I couldn’t believe I had managed to miss seeing this on so many walks.

I discovered what looked like an abandoned IMG_6639building. From a distance, I could see that there was light streaming through it. I was curious and at the same time nervous about getting a closer look. (I blame having recently watched American Horror Story Asylum for my nerves). I was hesitant about getting closer, but my dog strutted right on ahead and all the way to the gate. She was taking one for the team as far as I was concerned. If something was hiding inside, my dog would get it first.

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new year, new routine

2014It’s been a holiday here for the last 2 weeks, but today marks the start of getting back to the grind. I’ve decided that the new year is the perfect motivation for changing my life. 

Firstly, I need to get back to watching my calories. I have admittedly let my dieting fall through the cracks for quite a few months now. I’ve stopped using MyFitnessPal and as the cold weather has settled in, I’ve stopped running. However, even though I haven’t been making an effort, I still weigh the same today as I did 6 months ago. This pleases me. So I don’t have to start all over again, I can continue from where I last left off. 

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Happy New Year!


Wishing you all the best for 2014. Thank you for being a reader and for your support.

I am starting a new project with the new year, inspired by many bloggers and their participation in the 365 Project.

I have created a separate blog for my project which you can find at

Every day will feature a new photo taken by my iPhone5 and except for using the HDR feature built into the iPhone, no photo will be modified or edited. Hope you enjoy my 365 Project! Oh, and of course I will still be posting here during 2014.

© Semi-Charmed Life